Contact Us
For membership and other enquiries, please telephone our secretary, Stuart Goodchild on 01626 770983 or email [email protected]
About Us
Bishopsteignton Twinning Association has been going for over 25 years. Every other year – usually around the end of May – a group of around 50 Bishopsteignton residents travels to Brittany, and in the intervening year we host our French counterparts. La Roche Maurice is a delightful village in a wonderful rural setting with picturesque villages and coastline never far away. For further information log onto their website: http://www.jumelagelarochemaurice.fr
The journey to La Roche Maurice is easy and pleasant. The six hour ferry from Plymouth to Roscoff is quite rightly described as a “mini cruise”, and once across the Channel, it’s less than an hour by coach to La Roche Maurice.
Our French hosts arrange a varied programme for us every time we go to Brittany. Previous day trips have taken in islands off the Breton coast, pretty local villages, interesting churches and beautiful rivers. They also organise an evening get-together for the entire group. In the past we have enjoyed a hog roast, a Breton pancake evening, an evening of Breton songs and even a paella supper. Apart from the formal events, there is plenty of opportunity to visit local markets, go for walks in the countryside or on the beach and of course to simply eat and drink too much! It’s an ideal way to experience the local Breton culture.
When we host them we try to ensure a good balance of formal trips to improve their knowledge of Devon and time to relax at home with hosts.
The association welcomes new members of all ages and is particularly keen to attract new families from Bishopsteignton to twin with a number of young families coming forward in La Roche Maurice.
Membership costs currently just £10 per adult per annum with no charge for children. Members receive regular newsletters.
Our association has a very active social life year round within the village. Popular events have included a curry night, a quiz, an evening of sea shanties at our local Red Rock brewery and a safari supper. Most events are open to non-twinners. So with Bishopsteignton Twinning Association not only do you have an opportunity to meet French people, but you also get to meet your neighbours!
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is La Roche Maurice?
La Roche Maurice is situated in the west of Brittany, midway between Morlaix and Brest. The nearest town is Landerneau. It takes approximately 45 minutes to drive from Roscoff to La Roche Maurice by coach.
Do I have to speak or understand French?
No, not at all. However, learning a few key words is always appreciated.
How much does a long weekend in France cost?
French hosts provide both accommodation and meals, and most drinks are also covered. It is, however, customary to take a small gift for your hosts. We try to keep transport costs to and from the ferries to a minimum.
I’m interested in hosting, but do not have a spare room. Could I be involved in some way?
Don’t let a lack of space in your house put you off! We are very flexible in our hosting arrangements.Give us a call, and we’ll sort something out.
Do you organise events outside the twinning visits?
Yes. In fact, we are very socially active within Bishopsteignton. Most events are open to non-twinners.
How do I join?
Contact our membership secretary, Stuart Goodchild.
How do I contact you?
Stuart Goodchild is our Secretary. You can phone him on 01626 770983 or email [email protected]
Latest Twinning News
La Roche Maurice last visited us in Oct 2022 and we had a wonderful time celebrating our special link. We enjoyed a fantastic return trip in May 2023. We look forward to their next visit in 2024 and they have many families wishing to come. Can you help us?
Bishopsteignton Twinning Association works in partnership with Brittany Ferries and all our members can now receive 20% discount off public group rates and 10% discount off their families trips (with vehicle or on foot) independently of twinning visits. Contact [email protected] for details.