Channel View Patient Participation Group – Meeting Notes


19thMeeting held at 6.30pm on 4thJuly 2018 at Channel View Surgery.

Present:  Helen Peirce (Chair), Martin Spearman (Deputy Chair), Barry Stevens, Frank Bond (Secretary), Dominic Geldard, Nickie Roome. Tracey Hughes and Cameron Cater represented the practice.


  • Introductions and Apologies for Absence.

Apologies were received from: Bill Stanyon and Sue Kay.


2.0     Minutes and Actions Arising from Previous Mtg:  23rdMay 2018

The previous minutes had been circulated and agreed by 10thJune 2018.


Follow on actions from previous meeting:

2.1  Cameron and Tracey would ask for the misleading text on the website indicating that appts. could be booked a week in advance to be removed.

2.2  Martin reiterated the request for a list of services undertaken by the practice, and what referrals were made as standard to external groups.Nickie understood that some tests were detailed on the web, but not necessarily undertaken in the practice.

2.3   Frank would delete personal details from the Email contact list of previous attendees that had not given recent permission for their details to be held under the EU GDPR. This would not affect the surgeries own database, nor our virtual members list.


3.0    Communications :

Newsletters;  The Newsletter contained suitable text publishing the PPG. This would be updated with any available information prior to next issue.

            Emails;  Attendees were provided with the new Email password.

NAPP;  Emails had been received by the surgery at  Claire’s email address and forwarded to the PPG email. As Claire had now left the practice the group asked if the practice could re-establish this link.

            Devon PPG Network; Frank would investigate contact details for this group.


4.0       Feedback on current issues from Practice and Patients.

Dominic asked if there were any current issues. The practice had nothing to report, but some patient comments were received on the web. The group discussed the process of receiving and acting on patients views. It was noted that “Friends and Family” feedback questionnaires were available for patients to complete on the Channel View Website. The Practice manager handled all such matters, and replied as necessary, but the practice website was not updated. The Friends and Family comments were 2 years old and the patient participation survey was notably out of date (2013/4). Cameron agreed to look at this and report back on how best the information could be kept uptodate.


Cameron to check process of receiving patient comments, posting replies, and updating our own website.


5.0       Networking with other groups.

  • CCG Engagement Process on co-location of surgeries and services associated with existing hospital hub  – sub group meetings.
  • Coastal Group Meeting of 20th June at Barton Surgery. Next Mtg 15th

Helen spoke about the review of the engagement process which she had been asked to undertake by the CCG. Both Helen and Frank had signed a confidentiality agreement regarding the engagement responses they had seen from the public. All the views would eventually be made public, with individual responses currently being grouped into the four categories stated on the questionaires: Primary Care, A New Building, The Hospital, and Your experience. The town council and a representative from Plymouth University were also present at the plenary meetings associated with this work, and would pick up Oher Issues raised by the public in their responses.

Dominic asked about the format of the review, and timescales.  The next scheduled meeting of the sub group was 20thJuly when a draft version of the review was due to be discussed.  The actual report could be published by autumn.

Helen was able to say that the co-location was favoured by the doctors, particularly to improve recruitment and specialist training in Teignmouth. Barry was concerned whether health care would have the same consistency, if different doctors handled an individual’s case. However it was noted that individual cases were discussed regularly, and it was also expected that patients could continue to ask for their own doctor.

Action:  Helen and Frank to report back after further sub group meetings.

6.0     Forward Planning and AOB

Barry reported that Felix had offered to return to one of our meetings and provide a further presentation. Barry had also received a negative response from the charitable organisation he had approached for financial support in obtaining defibrillators for the surgeries.


Action: Helen agreed to approach the League of Friends to see if they could help.


  Next Meeting

Date of Next PPG Meeting:  6.30 pm Tuesday 14thAugust at Channel View Surgery.

Frank Bond     12/07/2018

CV 180704 Meeting notes