Minutes of Healthy Living & Wellbeing Group Meeting

February 26th2019

Apologies: Roger Hunt, Jacqueline Pester, Wendy Bristow, Ann Meyrick, Andy Davies, Derek Greatorex, Alison Prestt & Keith Lambert.

Present:      Fran Edwards, Eddy Stephenson, Elaine Cawthraw, Carlie Karakusevic, Roos Allsop, Jenny Charlton, Finella Whitehorn & Mary Hampson.

Minutes:     The minutes of the previous meeting on November 27thwere accepted as a true record. Proposed by Elaine and seconded by Carlie

Matters arising:   There were no matters arising other than those on the agenda.

Meeting items:

  1. Dementia Friendly Village: Finella is to attend a training course in Exeter on February 28thas Dementia Champion and will report back following this. Elaine reported that, although the Alzheimers’ Society had said they would contact the primary school directly to arrange dementia awareness training sessions, this has not happened. It was felt we may well have to rely on our own dementia champion to ensure this awareness raising takes place. It would be good to develop further links between the school and community areas such as the Memory Cafe and care homes.
  2. Defibrillator: Eddy reported that the defibrillator at the Community Centre had been used successfully over the past month and that the one at the Village Hall had been taken for use but was in the event not needed. Plans for further training sessions are in preparation. The WI have been offered a taster session and St John’s Church have requested training. Lewis Meyers, the instructor, is aware and is ready to agree dates for full CPR and Defibrillator training. The idea of approaching local supermarkets such as Morrisons, Waitrose and Tesco for funding help with this project was raised. Elaine will contact Waitrose for relevant forms.
  3. Care Watch: Fran reported that all was going well with no apparent problems. New clients have made use of this facility. The new mobile phone was handed over for use by Care Watch
  4. Trim Trail: Roos distributed plans for 8 walks in the village of differing length & demand. He also produced a rough guide ofcalorie usage for different length walks, equating them to familiar foods such as fried breakfast, giving a good idea of exactly how much activity is required to counteract eating certain things. The meeting expressed its appreciation of all the hard work and time Roos had put in to producing this material. It was felt that some kind of event was needed to launch these walks and there were various suggestions including the possibility of combining this with the Pre-School Easter Bonnet Parade. A sub group is to be formed to discuss these various ideas. The table tennis table has been ordered. Unfortunately the hoped for funding has not materialised. A firm quote for the base for the table is needed before we can look for further funding. Eddy is to discuss this with Kim, the Parish Clerk.

Finances & Funding

Eddy handed over a cheque for £100 from the now defunct Mothers Union. This money is ring-fenced for use on defibrillators. He had also drawn up a Gift Aid form since, as HLG is a charity, donations can be made through Gift Aid. A grant has also been received from South Devon & Torbay Community Grants for the seated Yoga course. Elaine reported back on a meeting she had attended on fundraising and said that funding is now more likely if linked to Partnership projects such as the Repair Cafe planned for October with SusBishop and the BERT initiative.. She also pointed out that publicising activities can now be done via the TV screen in the Ring of Bells that is linked to the Village website.

Seated Yoga:

8 sessions of this have now been booked for Fridays 10.30 – 11.30 in the Methodist Church. These sessions are free as they are funded by the grant mentioned above. The dates are: 5th& 12thApril, 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th& 31stMay & 7thJune.

AOB:     i) Annual Parish meeting is on 13thMarch.

  1. ii) Village Festival is 20th– 23rd HLG & BERT (Bishopsteignton Emergency Resilience Team) will be sharing a gazebo to raise awareness of both groups.

iii) Memory Cafe: There is to be an Open Session on March 18that which there will be the presentation of the Quality Assurance Award (invitation attached). She also reported that the Memory Cafe had been successful in gaining a boost to its funds. £250 had been received from Bluebird Care. £250 had been received from the Incredible Fund for The Tom Ryan Project (Book of Me) plus another £250 for the Singing for Memory sessions..

  1. iv) Mary also passed on a request from a member of the village that the Bereavement Counselling should include mention of the services offered by the churches in this area if thought suitable for the person concerned

Next meeting    2ndApril at Methodist Church at 7.30 pm

Meeting closed at 8.45 pm